22 October 2008

Some of you may have picked up from blogs or other messages that the internet is not as reliable or accessible here in Turkey and since being at school the internet has stopped working for at least a day every week on average. But myself and other international students have developed a theory and we think we have the internet in Turkey figured out. Over the past three or four weeks when the internet stops working, i have noticed that the truck pictured above is always in front of the administration building. you may be able to see in the picture that the truck has many cables and cords and electrical equipment. Need less to say it looks really expensive! anyways the truck is there all day with its cords and wires running up to a window and into the building. where they are going we don't know, until we produced the theory. And the theory is:

Every week our university essentially "runs out" of internet, the "tanks run dry" so to speak. So every week the internet delivery truck come to campus and fills up the internet tanks, it takes all day and around noon the internet usually starts working again. Evidence for this is simple to see, the administration building is basically like a water tower for internet, it is higher than the dorms but not all of the dorms, once you go above the 6th floor in the dorms the internet stops working. This is obviously due to the physics of the situation, the upper levels of the dorm are above the administration build thus gravity cannot naturally feed the internet to these floors. This can also be seen in the fact that the internet is always working in the administration building. Of course because it is closest to the internet tanks. Also we are all aware of the "refresh" button on our browsers. Well this is because internet goes bad over time, ergo it needs refreshing. Internet has a shelf life comparable to milk, this is why the tanks need refilling every week, if we had bigger tanks and filled them every two weeks, yes we would have internet longer but the internet at the bottom of the tank would be old and therefore the internet news, facebook updates, and emails would all be roughly a weeks behind. While this is of course not the case in the U.S. because we sit on a wealth of natural internet it is sadly how it works in Turkey where they have to import every kiloliter of internet form the United States or Europe.

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