19 October 2008

Galata Tower, night time on the Bosphorus,Dali, and Attaturk

This is me. wearing my new sweatshirt from the Kadikoy Bazaar. a Church we went to called St. Antoine. it is really big and pretty and such. very popular with the Spanish tourists. the two pictures of night time are of the cruise ships lined up at the Istanbul Docks. one is very impressionistic so make sure you click on it to make it full size to appreciate the colors. the two posters we got and hung up in our dorm room. one is the Greatest Leader Of All Time Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. the other is a dali painting. the two people are Meaghan from Canada and Remon from the Netherlands taken at a delicious desert shop in Taksim. the last tower is Galata Tower, called the Tower of Christ by the Byzantinians. it was built by the Genoese in 1348. i am told the view from the top is spectacular but i was not willing to pay the 10 lira to get up there because it was a cloudy day and i reckoned i wouldnt be able to see much anyway.

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